What would you want to take with you on the ultimate road trip,if youcould make one ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brett, May 15, 2008.

  1. Brett

    Brett Guest

    If you got to make the ultimate road trip (and money, geographic
    location of the trip and the make / model of the desired car you'd
    most want to use wasn't a limitation), what things or person/s would
    you most want to take with you and please say why.

    You can take any high profile person/s you admire, irrespective
    whether anyone named is living or is presently deceased and could be
    brought back to life.
    Brett, May 15, 2008
  2. This is easy one for me.

    James Dean and I would be driving across California in his Porsche 550
    Spyder. Though, I would definitely warn him it would be best to stay in our
    lane. I think he would be a kick ass character to hang with.

    Another person? Matthew Mcconaughey and Willie Nelson (not for reasons of
    marijuana) in Willie's bus, touring the Rockies... with some women of
    course. I read a Men's Health magazine hosted by Mat.. he seems like a
    pretty kick ass guy. The Bus would be fueld with Willies biofuel of course.
    No bongo drums would be allowed on the bus!

    Lastly, your mom!
    Don't Taze Me, Bro!, May 15, 2008
  3. This is easy one for me.

    James Dean and I would be driving across California in his Porsche 550
    Spyder. Though, I would definitely warn him it would be best to stay in our
    lane. I think he would be a kick ass character to hang with.

    Another person? Matthew Mcconaughey and Willie Nelson (not for reasons of
    marijuana) in Willie's bus, touring the Rockies... with some women of
    course. I read a Men's Health magazine hosted by Mat.. he seems like a
    pretty kick ass guy. The Bus would be fueld with Willies biofuel of course.
    No bongo drums would be allowed on the bus!

    Lastly, your mom!
    Don't Taze Me, Bro!, May 15, 2008

  4. Jamie Lee Curtis. Reason: Legs, sense of humor.
    JoeSpareBedroom, May 15, 2008

  5. Jamie Lee Curtis. Reason: Legs, sense of humor.
    JoeSpareBedroom, May 15, 2008
  6. Brett

    badgolferman Guest

    Jesus the Christ. He can make food and drink appear out of nowhere,
    can easily transport us over water or any other roadblock, has
    interesting stories to tell, can quiet the elements and beasts, and can
    give me a one-way ticket to my ultimate destination.
    badgolferman, May 15, 2008
  7. Brett

    badgolferman Guest

    Jesus the Christ. He can make food and drink appear out of nowhere,
    can easily transport us over water or any other roadblock, has
    interesting stories to tell, can quiet the elements and beasts, and can
    give me a one-way ticket to my ultimate destination.
    badgolferman, May 15, 2008

  8. White Castle???
    JoeSpareBedroom, May 15, 2008
  9. Easy decision. If it could only be one person, it would be my wife. We've
    been road tripping around North American and parts of Europe for 42 years.
    If I could take more people, it would be our friends, Betty & Steve. We've
    often traveled together and it is just one laugh after another and nothing
    is a problem. Getting lost is just a new adventure.

    As for what to take, a cooler loaded with some cheese, fruit, good bread,
    and a bottle of wine for those lunches in the oddest places.

    The car would be a full sized such as an Avalon, Lexus, Lucerne.

    Oh, and a big bag of money.
    Edwin Pawlowski, May 16, 2008
  10. Easy decision. If it could only be one person, it would be my wife. We've
    been road tripping around North American and parts of Europe for 42 years.
    If I could take more people, it would be our friends, Betty & Steve. We've
    often traveled together and it is just one laugh after another and nothing
    is a problem. Getting lost is just a new adventure.

    As for what to take, a cooler loaded with some cheese, fruit, good bread,
    and a bottle of wine for those lunches in the oddest places.

    The car would be a full sized such as an Avalon, Lexus, Lucerne.

    Oh, and a big bag of money.
    Edwin Pawlowski, May 16, 2008
  11. Brett

    Sharx35 Guest

    I'd like to take JoeSpareBedroom on a road trip to the La Brea tar pits. I'd
    come back. He wouldn't.
    Sharx35, May 16, 2008
  12. Brett

    Sharx35 Guest

    I'd like to take JoeSpareBedroom on a road trip to the La Brea tar pits. I'd
    come back. He wouldn't.
    Sharx35, May 16, 2008
  13. Brett

    Sharx35 Guest

    She'd be laughing, all right. Laughing AT your minuscule boyhood.
    Sharx35, May 16, 2008
  14. Brett

    Sharx35 Guest

    She'd be laughing, all right. Laughing AT your minuscule boyhood.
    Sharx35, May 16, 2008
  15. Brett

    HLS Guest

    Almost exactly the answer I would give, Ed...except we dont know Steve and
    HLS, May 16, 2008
  16. Brett

    HLS Guest

    Almost exactly the answer I would give, Ed...except we dont know Steve and
    HLS, May 16, 2008
  17. Brett

    Siskuwihane Guest

    Siskuwihane, May 16, 2008
  18. Brett

    L Alpert Guest

    I'd take a RV bus and tour the country for a couple years at a
    leisurely pace. Who would I bring back for this? My parents, for what
    I would hope for most to be obvious reasons.
    L Alpert, May 17, 2008
  19. Brett

    L Alpert Guest

    I'd take a RV bus and tour the country for a couple years at a
    leisurely pace. Who would I bring back for this? My parents, for what
    I would hope for most to be obvious reasons.
    L Alpert, May 17, 2008
  20. Brett

    Brian Smith Guest

    To pay your way? {;^)
    Brian Smith, May 17, 2008
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