Hope someone might be able to guide me in the right direction: 1993 Honda Civic...had noise in clutch...when I push the clutch, it had a classic "release bearing" noise" except the weird thing is...the noise happens when I DEPRESS the clutch pedal, NOT release it....I took out the tranny, and changed the release bearing...the old one was obviously bad, sounded like an old roller skate when I spun it, and had play...I thought for sure that was the problem. When I put it all back together...EXACTLY the same noise! Here's the weird part: the noise is ONLY there when the pedal is depressed in NEUTRAL...no other gears. The only other time you hear is is while coasting in 1st gear, but not if I depress the pedal in 1st or any other gear. If I am stopped and idling in any gear with the pedal depressed there is NO NOISE, if I move the shifter into neutral, the noise starts... ANY SUGGESTIONS? Help would be greatly appreciated. Could it be Pilot bearing? or internal tranny problem? Thanks