Strange intermittent sound coming from front of 2004 Accord V6-EX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Harvey J Cohen, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. Hello all,

    I have a 2004 Accord V6-EX with 7500 miles that has a rather strange
    condition. I say condition rather than problem; it is not clear what I
    about to describe is a problem.

    There is a distinct noise coming from the undercarriage of my car that
    occurs as follows. I start up my car after it has been off for at
    least 4 hours. I back up the car for a small distance. That is either
    out of my gargage or my parking spot at work. I travel at low speed
    for a short distance thereafter, perhaps 100 ft, and I here what
    sounds like a "twang" coming from the front suspension. It is not the
    same sound the car makes when traversing holes or bumps in the
    pavement. It does sound like a problem with a steering boot. The
    rather wierd thing is that I don't hear that sound again, regardless of
    how much I'm turning or driving until the car is parked and off for at
    least 4 hours. It is rather strange that the sound occurs *once* for
    each cycle.

    Has anyone observed this before? What is going on? My local Honda
    dealer can't diagnose the problem.

    Harvey J Cohen, Aug 28, 2004
  2. A heat shield going through an expansion transition?
    F2004: 12 of 13*, Aug 28, 2004
  3. Harvey J Cohen

    Jason Guest

    You are fortunate. You have a great car and a great computer. You are also
    fortunate because your car is still under the factory warranty. Tell the
    service writer about the problem and make sure the problem is fixed before
    it goes off warranty. The other poster is probably correct in relation to
    what is causing the problem.
    Jason, Aug 28, 2004
  4. Harvey J Cohen

    disallow Guest

    I have a similar prob on my 98 civic, its done it since
    new, its has something to do with the front springs, as I
    noticed it happens mostly when I turn.

    disallow, Aug 29, 2004
  5. Harvey J Cohen

    LBJGH Guest

    Could it be the ABS? My 04 sedan makes a slight noise as the ABS tests
    after the car has sat for a bit.
    LBJGH, Aug 29, 2004
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