Stalling 1990 honda Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by cyrille de brébisson, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I have a 1990 honda civic which has developped a stalling problem.
    when the engine is slightly warm (because I ran if for a short period of
    time or because it cooled down), and I then try to restart the car,
    sometimes, it does not want to start. It looks to me that the engine is not
    getting gaz, but I might be wrong. The only way to "fix" the problem is to
    let the car sit for 1 minute and then it restart.
    It also sometimes does it in similar case, but once the engine is running
    (like, 30 s after start, under same condition), the engine will stall.

    Does anyone has any idea what this could be and how I could fix it?

    thanks, cyrille
    cyrille de brébisson, Dec 9, 2004
  2. cyrille de brébisson

    whybcuz Guest

    Hi Cyrille

    Does your car stall with your foot off the accelerator but can you keep
    it going by pressing the accelerator? In other words, does the idle
    just drop down and it eventually stalls?

    If so, it could be your Idle Air Control (IAC) system. It controls air
    flow especially needed during starting and while the engine is cold. It
    could be that it is not supplying the air you need. On a civic It is
    located on your trottle body, I think.

    The way to test it is to start the car, ramp it to 3000 RPM until the
    fan goes on. Then disconnect the IAC connector. If the engine
    increases, your IAC is ok. If it still decreases and dies, you may
    want to look into replacing that unit.

    While it is not the only thing that can do this, it is an easy thing to
    check. I am sure other people on this group will have other things to
    try as well.

    Hope it is useful.
    whybcuz, Dec 10, 2004
  3. cyrille de brébisson

    whybcuz Guest

    Hi Cyrille
    (second try -- I think this may be a double post. If so, sorry)

    Does your car stall with your foot off the accelerator but can you keep
    it going by pressing the accelerator? In other words, does the idle
    just drop down and it eventually stalls?

    If so, it could be your Idle Air Control (IAC) system. It controls air
    flow especially needed during starting and while the engine is cold. It
    could be that it is not supplying the air you need. On a civic It is
    located on your trottle body, I think.

    The way to test it is to start the car, ramp it to 3000 RPM until the
    fan goes on. Then disconnect the IAC connector. If the engine
    increases, your IAC is ok. If it still decreases and dies, you may
    want to look into replacing that unit.

    While it is not the only thing that can do this, it is an easy thing to
    check. I am sure other people on this group will have other things to
    try as well.

    Hope it is useful.
    whybcuz, Dec 10, 2004
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