Shifting into Auto Neutral

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robert, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    04 Acura TSX Auto (Japan. Accord)

    I defected from to AT after doing MT for the past 9 years...

    I carry over the habit of shifting into/out N at red lites...
    Is this "OK" to do to the AT ? Does doing this reduce engine/tranny work &
    thus reduce
    gas consumption ?
    Also is it "ok" that I don't step on the brake when shifting in/out of N ?
    will this cause any (long-term) damage or problem ?

    Robert, Jul 20, 2004
  2. It is pointless, and causes extra wear and tear on the transmission, the
    shifter, the engine mounts, the transmission mounts and the CV joints.
    Suggest you stop doing it.
    You should always have your foot firmly on the brake when shifting from
    Park or Neutral to any driving range, forward or reverse.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 20, 2004
  3. Robert

    Rex B Guest

    ||> Also is it "ok" that I don't step on the brake when shifting in/out of N?
    ||You should always have your foot firmly on the brake when shifting from
    ||Park or Neutral to any driving range, forward or reverse.

    That can create problems when he slips it into neutral to coast down a long

    (That's a joke, Dan. Remain calm)

    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, Jul 20, 2004
  4. I would just say I agree with everything that Dan is pointless,
    increases likelihood of having an accident and feeds your obvious
    obsessive/compulsive behavior. Perhaps a prescription for Paxil may be
    right for you, check with your doctor and ask about Paxil....ok commercial

    On a stick shift yes it reduces wear on the throwout bearing by not having
    to press/hold clutch pedal while stopped.

    CaptainKrunch, Jul 20, 2004
  5. Robert

    JimV Guest

    All bad habit that you should stop. Automatics are designed to stay in
    gear. You are increasing wear and tear, not reducing it.
    JimV, Jul 20, 2004
  6. Robert

    Tim Kettring Guest

    Thats the way I do it , leave the auto trans in drive , and put the stick in
    neutral at a light .
    Tim Kettring, Jul 20, 2004
  7. Robert

    SoCalMike Guest

    on my 98 hatch, sometimes when im coming to a stop ill goose the gas,
    and slip the shifter into neutral. neat lil trick.
    SoCalMike, Jul 21, 2004
  8. Robert

    Mike Walsh Guest

    As others have pointed out it is usually best to leave it in gear. The only reason to shift into neutral is to help prevent overheating. If you have a rear drive vehicle with a belt driven fan you can reduce heat produced by the transmission and increase fan speed by shifting to neutral when sitting in traffic or at long traffic lights. I have owned two cars with automatic transmissions, both rear drive, that I had to do this with to prevent overheating.

    When replying by Email include NewSGrouP (case sensitive) in Subject

    Mike Walsh
    West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
    Mike Walsh, Jul 21, 2004
  9. Some Honda owner's manual encourage shifting to neutral
    when sitting at a long train crossing or at long traffic
    lights. However, I'd avoid doing it under normal (non-congested) driving
    conditions or shifting in/out of N without applying the brakes.
    This kind of shifting may cause some clutches not to work
    properly, (e.g. won't idle or idles rough.) Another tip, coasting
    to a stop on neutral waste more fuel.
    Tibur Waltson, Jul 21, 2004
  10. Robert

    john Guest

    Having done exactly what the original poster suggests for the past 14
    years on a 1990 integra without ANY ill effects I say do it.

    I do it because the 4-cyl integra engine vibrates if left in gear at a
    stop, in neutral it's quiet and smooth. I also think the transmission
    stays a bit cooler, but I doubt this makes much difference.

    john, Jul 21, 2004
  11. ....that you know of.
    That's nice. Automakers, engineers, and people with more knowledge than
    you say...DON'T.
    Because of worn engine mounts, exacerbated by your boneheaded
    back-and-forth shifting from Drive to Neutral to Drive to Neutral to Drive
    to Neutral...
    Oh, well, now that might be something, there. What's the reading on your
    trans fluid temperature gauge in Neutral vs. Drive?

    -DS (What's that you say? No trans fluid temp gauge? You were just saying
    "the transmission stays cooler" to make yourself feel important? Ah. OK,
    got it, thanks for clearing that up.)

    , but I doubt this makes much difference.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 21, 2004
  12. Thats funny........

    I think it is an obsessive compulsive behavior on his part....maybe he flips
    his lights on/off repeatedly at home or washes his hands continually, or
    locks and unlocks the doors obsessively..

    CaptainKrunch, Jul 22, 2004
  13. Robert

    Robert Guest

    brilliant...just brilliant
    You seem to be an expert on OCD and Paxil
    Robert, Jul 22, 2004
  14. I work in a pharmacy....I am getting to be able to recognize drug addicts
    better also
    CaptainKrunch, Jul 22, 2004
  15. Robert

    john Guest

    I'm sure my car will explode tomorrow killing everyone in a 30ft
    radius, but for the past 14 years and 145,000 miles, the car has been
    trouble free.

    In fact, it has been far more trouble free than most cars this old, so
    maybe shifting to neutral at stops should be required! :)

    That was a joke Dan. I have to point it out since you don't seem to
    have a sense of humor.
    I've shifted into neutral at stops since I drove the car from the
    dealer's lot with 7 miles on the odometer. It vibrates the same today
    as it did 14 years ago when it was brand spankin' new.

    The engines in 1990 integras don't have balance shafts and liquid
    filled engine mounts to smooth them out, so the vibration is normal
    for that engine/model. V6s, V8s, V12s, H4s, and I4s with balance
    shafts and/or fancy mounts vibrate less.

    To the original poster: do what you want. It might cause some
    additional wear, but at least in my case, that hasn't shortened the
    life of the car to less than 14 years.

    john, Jul 22, 2004
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