S2000 clutch problems

Discussion in 'S2000' started by Bob Harlow, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. Bob Harlow

    Bob Harlow Guest

    Now that I am $1,200 into my dealership, it's time to ask someone else. The
    clutch pedal was sticking. The point at which the clutch engaged seemed to
    move up and down.

    Ever heard of this? Do you know how to fix it? My dealership has replaced
    the clutch and it is still doing the same (to a lesser degree).
    Bob Harlow, Sep 6, 2003
  2. Bob Harlow

    Eric Guest

    Can you be more specific? Does the pedal stick on the return after being
    depressed, e.g., not come all the way back up or is there some other behavior?
    It sounds like you might have a problem with the clutch hydraulics, i.e., clutch
    master cylinder and/or clutch slave cylinder. It could also be that there's air
    in the system. Did they bleed it when they changed the clutch?

    Eric, Sep 6, 2003
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