Remote Entry transmitter for 2004 Civic EX - Frustrated!!!

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Dave Wolgast, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. Dave Wolgast

    Dave Wolgast Guest

    Pretty soon, I am going to have to stop using the remote entry system
    on my new Civic EX because I seem to be very prone to accidentally
    hitting the panic button. The button gets hit with the transmitter in
    my hand, with the transmitter in my pocket...pretty much anywhere.

    Is there a good way to disable the panic button? It's funny if you set
    it off once in awhile. It's not funny when it happens once a week at

    If I can't find a good way to disable the thing, I'm just going to have
    to stop using it.

    Thanks for any advice!
    Dave Wolgast
    Livonia, NY
    Dave Wolgast, Aug 18, 2004
  2. Simple. Remove the panic button!

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Aug 18, 2004
  3. Dave Wolgast

    Seth Guest

    My wife was constantly doing the same thing. Crazy gluing the button did
    the trick.
    Seth, Aug 18, 2004
  4. Dave Wolgast

    aljudy Guest

    I had a similar problem in my old Grand Cherokee remote. I opened it with a tiny screw-driver and placed a small piece of tape in between the contacts for the panic button. This works pretty well, and of course can be undone anytime. Our new Accord's panic button seems more recessed and so far I have not accidentally set it off yet... Al
    Pretty soon, I am going to have to stop using the remote entry system
    on my new Civic EX because I seem to be very prone to accidentally
    hitting the panic button. The button gets hit with the transmitter in
    my hand, with the transmitter in my pocket...pretty much anywhere.

    Is there a good way to disable the panic button? It's funny if you set
    it off once in awhile. It's not funny when it happens once a week at

    If I can't find a good way to disable the thing, I'm just going to have
    to stop using it.

    Thanks for any advice!
    Dave Wolgast
    Livonia, NY
    aljudy, Aug 18, 2004
  5. Dave Wolgast

    Brian Guest

    I can't say exactly for your remote, but most remotes work the same way.

    Open it up as if to change the battery. Usually the buttons are on the
    other side of the circuit board, and are in 2 parts, the rubber and the
    circuit board. The rubber will probably come off easily. On the
    circuit board under the rubber, you'll see the contacts for each button.
    They are probably interlocking but not touching metal "fingers" etched
    on the board. Use a small piece of scotch tape or packing tape
    (something that will stick well), and cover the contacts that line up
    with the panic button. Make sure not to cover the contacts for other

    Put it all back together and the panic button will be disabled.
    Brian, Aug 18, 2004
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