Okay, do I worry about my Fit suddenly having the driver's side door bursting into flames or having one of my headlights suddenly turning off? Would it be legal to use the fire as a headlight? I guess since I have to take it in for an A1 I might as well say "fix these, please. Before I die. When I hit some object I couldn't see because the lights went out and the fire blinded me until it burned me, possibly while I was still alive" <spraying my Pepsi while I read this back> -- - dillon I am not invalid An object's desireability to a dog is directly proportional to its desireability to another dog.
It's considered uncouth to laugh at your own jokes. You're supposed to bribe others to laugh at your jokes for you. That's how some stand-up comics get their start. What year Fit have you got?
I was told that they would get a bunch of other stand ups in the audience and shill for each other. 'o8 Sport. I have two notices in my hand. And I've also found a TSB for the rear brakes. I think I'll be depending on my wife for a couple of days. Of course, she's got a couple of rather more important recalls to take care of for her Camry. OTOH she knows when she's stepping on the loud pedal and she has the wide pedal under her foot. But I managed to teach her heel and toe on her old Accord (5 speed) and to not fear the red line. -- - dillon I am not invalid An object's desireability to a dog is directly proportional to its desireability to another dog.
Mention of Stand Ups and the Camry reminded me of a joke the Stand Ups on this side of the pond have been telling. For some years we have had a Toyota TV ad running with the catch line "The car in front is a Toyota". After Toyota's recent troubles the comics reckon it is because the throttles stuck open and the brakes won't work.
I see nothing for '07, '08, or'09 except servicing procedures. What are the TSB numbers you've got? You've got an unusual wife there. Mine is about as un-technical as it's possible to get. She likes automatics because she finds manuals too confusing. She's really good at noticing and reporting odd behavior and noises, though.