Portable GPS System - how to make sure it's not stolen?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by success_ny, May 30, 2006.

  1. success_ny

    success_ny Guest

    I know very little about this, but would love to buy a portable
    navigation system. My only concern is that it's very easy to put in
    (suction to the windshield or dashboard), but just as easy to steal. I
    would think that putting a 500-600 dollar devices in a car that's so
    easy to remove is an invitation for the potential thief to break into
    the car and take it.

    Is there a solution to this problem? Is there a way to install the
    portable GPS unit securely in the car? I would hate to take it off any
    time I leave my car parked for several hours in the city.

    success_ny, May 30, 2006
  2. success_ny

    Dell Guest

    I have had a Garmin 2610 for 2 years now, simple solution unplug the unit
    and put it out of sight takes about 5 seconds.
    Dell, May 30, 2006
  3. success_ny

    Jim Yanik Guest

    wrote in
    Damn right!
    If they SEE IT,they will try to steal it.
    "Securely mounted" or not.
    They will RIP APART your car to take it.

    Maybe you could disguise it,have a fake kleenex holder that drops over
    it,so it does not look like anything that is worth stealing.

    Or mount it IN the dash,and have a panel that closes over it when not in
    use(or so it IS the flip-up panel).Some people remove the passenger airbag
    and install their DVD screen there,it flips up when in use.
    You -could- do the same for your nav screen.(I don't recommend it.)

    The trick is that they not see it.
    Jim Yanik, May 31, 2006
  4. success_ny

    Brian Smith Guest

    The word 'portable' should be a good indication of how to protect your
    Brian Smith, May 31, 2006
  5. success_ny

    MAT Guest

    Usually the windshield mount is separate from the unit itself. My Garmin
    C320 is that way and I just pop it out and stick it in the center console.
    I guess a thief may still break into your car upon seeing the empty mount
    but I sorta think they would likely move on.
    MAT, May 31, 2006
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