New Pilot break in period

Discussion in 'Pilot' started by Jim85CJ, May 26, 2004.

  1. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    Turns out TCS is probably in high school with a fart pipe on his
    pimped-out civic... he frequents various atheist, linux, movie, etc.
    newsgroups... he also has posted on an autism newsgroup which speaks

    "I had on display a christian fish, head pointed up, hanging off a
    fish hook" Oh how proud he must have been... so proud
    Jim85CJ, May 27, 2004
  2. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    TCS is busy too...

    Jim85CJ, May 27, 2004
  3. Jim85CJ

    Rex B Guest

    ||... he also has posted on an autism newsgroup which speaks

    Actually, that's pretty funny ;)
    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, May 27, 2004
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