new Honda CR-V break in

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Guy, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Thanks JR, I gotcha. That sounds reasonable. I do intend to read
    the manual regardless but I really wanted to know how others drove
    their newer cars especially for breakin. I imagine my CR-V tho not
    an EX will seem like a EX compared to my Accord LX of 7 years ago so
    I'll have to get used to the extra bells and whistles. Anyway,
    thanks for the straight advice and without the accusations.
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  2. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Thanks JR, I gotcha. That sounds reasonable. I do intend to read
    the manual regardless but I really wanted to know how others drove
    their newer cars especially for breakin. I imagine my CR-V tho not
    an EX will seem like a EX compared to my Accord LX of 7 years ago so
    I'll have to get used to the extra bells and whistles. Anyway,
    thanks for the straight advice and without the accusations.
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  3. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Gosh you are so intellectual and I bet it shows to the rest. Go ahead
    and reply so I can have something to laugh at today and I'll do my
    best to let you have the last word. That way you can have a higher
    opinion of yourself.
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  4. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Gosh you are so intellectual and I bet it shows to the rest. Go ahead
    and reply so I can have something to laugh at today and I'll do my
    best to let you have the last word. That way you can have a higher
    opinion of yourself.
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  5. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    the majority of particulate matter in oil is combustion product, not
    metal. if /you/ have a slurry of metal particles in your oil, you have
    a problem.

    you're contradicting yourself. hydrodynamic separation, by definition,
    means there is sufficient thickness to keep the two solid surfaces
    apart. if they're not separated, then it's not hydrodynamic.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  6. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    the majority of particulate matter in oil is combustion product, not
    metal. if /you/ have a slurry of metal particles in your oil, you have
    a problem.

    you're contradicting yourself. hydrodynamic separation, by definition,
    means there is sufficient thickness to keep the two solid surfaces
    apart. if they're not separated, then it's not hydrodynamic.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  7. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    you've been "intending" to read the manual for some time now guy.
    contrasted with the time you've /actually/ spent here trying to justify
    /not/ reading it of course. but we already know logic is not your strength.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  8. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    you've been "intending" to read the manual for some time now guy.
    contrasted with the time you've /actually/ spent here trying to justify
    /not/ reading it of course. but we already know logic is not your strength.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  9. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    you - just - don't - get - it.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  10. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    you - just - don't - get - it.
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  11. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Maybe I can't read the manual because I stuck inside sick. But I
    guess that doesn't compute in your disillusional mind. Go ahead and
    impress everyone else with your wisdom now !
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  12. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Maybe I can't read the manual because I stuck inside sick. But I
    guess that doesn't compute in your disillusional mind. Go ahead and
    impress everyone else with your wisdom now !
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  13. Guy

    Brian Smith Guest

    Brian Smith, Jan 2, 2010
  14. Guy

    Brian Smith Guest

    Brian Smith, Jan 2, 2010
  15. Guy

    Brian Smith Guest

    That's a small price to pay for peace and quiet and the enviable "No
    Jim Zone". :^)
    Brian Smith, Jan 2, 2010
  16. Guy

    Brian Smith Guest

    That's a small price to pay for peace and quiet and the enviable "No
    Jim Zone". :^)
    Brian Smith, Jan 2, 2010
  17. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    so you're not here to learn anything - you're just here to "chat". i
    should have realized.

    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  18. Guy

    jim beam Guest

    so you're not here to learn anything - you're just here to "chat". i
    should have realized.

    jim beam, Jan 2, 2010
  19. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Impressive ...
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
  20. Guy

    Guy Guest

    Impressive ...
    Guy, Jan 2, 2010
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