Message response

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Smith, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    This is off subject, but is there a reason that people in this news
    group don't reply to the original message so that there is a thread for
    the original question rather that sending a new messafe each time with
    an "Re:" subject.

    In my experience it makes it much easier to follow the responses and
    maintain continuity for each subject as opposed to having to search down
    the list for ht enext"Re:" that concerns the thread you are trying to

    John Smith, Jul 23, 2006
  2. John Smith

    Grahame Guest

    The same reason they don't use spell check I guess.
    Grahame, Jul 24, 2006
  3. John Smith

    Matt Ion Guest

    Not everyone's newsreader supports proper threading. Some newsservers may not
    either. Deal with it.
    Matt Ion, Jul 24, 2006
  4. Your newsreader may be configured to show everything "flat" instead of
    threaded. check your preferences.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jul 24, 2006
  5. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    Sorry, 4 other news groups all show up threaded. Matt's reply makes sense
    John Smith, Jul 25, 2006
  6. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    let's not get testy. In my sheltered experience with news readers they have always
    shown up threaded so I assumed that was the norm. TX 4 the education.
    John Smith, Jul 25, 2006
  7. John Smith

    Matt Ion Guest

    One newsgroup I'm on is moderated and requires an email address be registered
    with the moderation software before posts will be automatically accepted to the
    group, or they must be hand-moderated. They can also be posted by emailing a
    post to the moderation bot, if they're not being accepted normally. If done
    that way, the threading is immediately broken as well.

    There are tons of reasons threads can break, be split up, etc., most simply due
    to differences or limitations in the technology.
    Matt Ion, Jul 25, 2006
  8. John Smith

    nblomgren Guest

    I'm seeing them threaded.


    nblomgren, Jul 25, 2006
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