Lost original key to Honda Odyssey with keyless entry remote starter

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by arguetaf, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. arguetaf

    arguetaf Guest

    What can I do? The dealer is asking me to tow my car to them so that
    they can cut a new key. I don't have that kind of money and the key
    costs $60 and to program it $89.50. I am able to start the car with
    the remote and then insert the valet key. This is the only way to
    start the car but I have run out of battery for the remote twice and
    had to walk to a store to find a battery in order to start the car. I
    have four small children and can't afford for this to happen. I went
    to the dealer today again a different mind you and they told me that
    since the alarm system is not a Honda installed a alarm it's gonna
    cost more than $180.00 for a new key and they don't guarantee that the
    new key will work. Can this be true? Can't I just buy a transponder
    key online and program it myself?
    arguetaf, Apr 25, 2007
  2. arguetaf

    Onblsht Guest

    What year is your Odyssey?
    Onblsht, Apr 25, 2007
  3. arguetaf

    Seth Guest

    AT least with this method you can get it to the dealership without it being
    What brand is the alarm/remote starter? Check the web or yellow pages for
    someone who deals with that brand.
    Sure can!
    Make sure you buy the right one. Then you need the make and model of the
    system to be able to obtain programming instructions. Each system is
    Seth, Apr 26, 2007
  4. arguetaf

    motsco_ Guest


    I know it's Psychic Wednesday, but help us out. What's the year / model
    of the odyssey, and where did the FIRST key go (it should have come with
    THREE) at least in the North American market. Check the owner's manual
    if you aren't sure.

    I'm guessing your alarm installer took it away from you and installed it
    under the dash (totally bypassing your immobilizer system).

    motsco_, Apr 26, 2007
  5. arguetaf

    AZ Nomad Guest

    If you live within driving distance of a city of more than a million people,
    call a locksmith. The more sophisticated ones have the software and blanks
    to make you a key. Just be prepared to prove that you have stolen
    the vehicle and you'll be good to go.
    AZ Nomad, Apr 26, 2007
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