Impossible to access PCV Valve?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    How do I access my PCV valve in my 2003 CR-V? If it is where I think it is
    then it's impossible to access (inside breather tube). Can someone show &
    explain where it is exactly and how to access it? How often should it be
    checked and/or replaced?


    Guest, Jul 13, 2006

  2. -------------------------------------

    I would change it _twice as often_ as the Owner's Manual says . . .

    Bookmark this site:

    'Curly Q. Links', Jul 13, 2006
  3. Guest

    Elle Guest

    Some service manuals say 60k miles and four years (for
    either inspection or changeout) for the older Hondas. I
    think that's a good rule. I did not change my 1991 Civic's
    original PCV valve for 12 years, 140k miles or so. It was
    chock full of waxy buildup--near totally blocked. Mileage
    went way up after I changed it out.

    I also now clean the PCV valve with carburetor/PCV cleaner
    or PB Blaster every oil change or so.

    You have to start bookmarking some of these sites, friend,
    like and . The
    drawings etc. will be of use to you again and again as you
    maintain your Honda.

    Sometime it is tricky finding a part within the list of
    master drawings. If you have troubles, just ask.

    In this case, the PCV valve appears in the drawing for
    "breather tube." See if it helps you find the valve. Usually
    the PCV valves are very much accessible, often from the top,
    but on some Hondas, from the bottom, IIRC>
    Elle, Jul 13, 2006
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you for the drawings. The only problem is trying to get a wrench in
    there. It is so difficult! Does anyone have trade secrets on taking out a
    pcv valve on a 2003 CR-V? Once again, I am grateful for all of your sites
    and drawings!

    Guest, Jul 13, 2006
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