Honda Prelude. I just bought one!! 1995 model paid $3200

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by LovingPerson, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Dear all:

    I woke up today and was expecting it was just to be a regular
    day. No way was I expecting to end up with a '95 Prelude in Mint (I
    am talking MINT) condition! So, I take my wife to work at the crack
    of dawn. I decide to drive by the for sale lot here on my Air Force
    Base. Guess what I see: A white, Shiny Prelude. Blue book value
    printed on the window was $7000 (I think it must be $7000 retail, but
    probably not $7000 wholesale). Anyways, the asking price was $5000.
    Miles: 171,500 miles. I take the number down and was going to give it
    to a friend.

    Then, I got bored about at 1000 AM. I call up the owner. She
    is an eighteen year Veteran of the United States Air Force. It turns
    out she is the first owner and has all the maintenance records--oil
    every 3,000, Air conditioning condenser last year, New muffler last
    year, quarter panel replacement after a minor front end accident, a
    new radio (factory one died), timing belt changed, alternator changed.

    The car has never had major accident or major problems. I ask
    for a test drive and tell her that if the price was negotiable, I
    could make the deal happen within hours! She is leaving this base in
    two months and just bought a new Nissan Z 2004 model. The Nissan
    dealer offered $500 for trade-in on this Prelude--totally ridiculous,
    but it set her mind set for a low price.

    I drive this stick shift Prelude Si and it really moves! The
    exterior and interior are MINT: shiny and clean and just a few paint
    chips about dime in size, but that is all. The 190 HP really moves
    this car. I make an offer of $3500 and thought we'd haggle.
    Surprisingly, she goes for it. I hesitate a little. I was not really
    expecting her to say yes. Now I have to make a decision as to whether
    to add a third car to my family's fleet.

    Long and short of it: I could not pass up the deal. I
    eventually actually got the car for $3200 [READ: $3200!].

    1995 Honda Prelude S-i (Mint inside and out)
    171,500 miles
    Chrome tips for the exhaust
    Nice decent rims
    Tinted windows
    Sun Roof
    Rear Spoiler
    Gold Package (ie the H in front and back is gold or brass).

    Here is my situation: I recently also bought an Accord EX 1991
    125,000miles (I had posted about this one before under the handle
    HondaAccordEXman). I bought that one for $900. It was also a
    military car. That Honda is running like a champ. So, now I am in
    the enviable position of having to make a choice. I don't know
    whether to keep the Accord or the Prelude. I love driving the
    Prelude, but the Accord is more sensible of a car and I don't really
    need to drive a three thousand dollar car when I have a perfectly good
    $900 car which I also love!

    One thing that would help me in the decision would be how much do
    you think I can sell the Prelude for? I guess if someone is willing
    to pay a good premium for it, it would persuade me to sell and just
    drive the sensible Accord, which I am perfectly happy to do in the
    first place.

    My wife and I don't have kids, so passenger space is no concern.
    Howeever, the Prelude is 5 speed and my wife would not be able to
    drive it. Even in emergency, she would not be able to drive it.
    Decisions. Decisions.

    I know it is not the worst thing in the world to have this
    problem of having to choose between two cars. I am just putting this
    forth as a fun problem. Believe me! I am not complaining. I am just
    wanting some input so I can actually make a good decision.

    Sincerely. HondaAccordEXman and now HondaPreludeSiMan :)

    If you have any more questions on either car, please don't hesitate to
    ask. I would appreciate any input. thx in advance
    LovingPerson, Dec 28, 2003
  2. LovingPerson

    dooss Guest

    so what exactly are you selling in Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canada?

    LovingPerson wrote in message ...
    dooss, Dec 28, 2003
  3. LovingPerson

    dooss Guest

    so what exactly are you selling in Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canada?

    LovingPerson wrote in message ...
    dooss, Dec 28, 2003
  4. LovingPerson

    froglewis Guest

    171,500 miles?!?! thats quite a lot isnt it?!

    froglewis, Dec 28, 2003
  5. LovingPerson

    froglewis Guest

    171,500 miles?!?! thats quite a lot isnt it?!

    froglewis, Dec 28, 2003
  6. LovingPerson

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    Never seen anyone so excited about two pieces of junk.

    ^x WITHOUT YOU IN IT! x^
    DrPimpDaddi, Dec 28, 2003
  7. LovingPerson

    ravelation Guest


       >My wife and I don't have kids, so
    I say teach her how to drive the car! You may find yourself with a
    Prelude Chick.
    I'm a woman and my first car was a '78 Honda Civic stick. Once you
    learn, you never forget. It's a skill I'm glad I know.

    It's obvious from your post the passion you feel for the deal and the
    car you found. Preludes are a coveted item by young guys. I know, as my
    16 year old son would *Love* to own one.

    You by chance in CA?
    ravelation, Dec 28, 2003
  8. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Dear Dr. Pimp Daddy:

    Where do you live? I would like to send you a plane ticket here
    to the East Coast. I would like to do this because I would like to
    kick your ass. In other words, I am going to buy you a plane ticket
    so you can come here to get your ass whooping.

    Never seen anyone get so excited about two pieces of Junk?
    Well, now you have. You can now crawl back to where you came from.

    LovingPerson, Dec 28, 2003
  9. LovingPerson

    r_obert Guest

    Not necessarily for a well maintained honda. 1995 prelude is a nice

    ( modify address for return email )
    r_obert, Dec 28, 2003
  10. LovingPerson

    r_obert Guest

    Not necessarily for a well maintained honda. 1995 prelude is a nice

    ( modify address for return email )
    r_obert, Dec 28, 2003
  11. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest


    Yeah, I used to think the same way. I would only look for cars
    that didn't have as many miles as 171,000. However, I have changed my
    mind. Hondas are good cars. They are really good. Correct me if I
    am wrong, but don't you think that a good Honda, well maintained, can
    go about 300,000 miles?

    My buddy has an Accura which is basically a Honda in disguise.
    It is a 91 Legend LS with leather. The exterior is Mint and he has
    310,000 miles on it. It runs like a champ still. Probably will go

    Anyone who has opinion on this, please chime in. I am looking
    for good information. Am I correct in thinking my car can go 300k or
    should I start getting rid of the car because it really don't have
    much life left? What would be the smart thing to do? Sell it now
    while I can still sell it or take a gamble that the car can make it to
    300k? How big of a gamble will it be if I try to keep it? Will it
    poop out on me? How much good life would you guess a well maintained
    Prelude can get.

    Mind you, when a car is got 171,000 miles at eight years of age,
    it means that most of the miles were freeway miles. A car does not
    get to that high of a mileage in eight years without being driven on
    the freeway a lot. You just can't gather that kind of miles on local
    roads unless you were a taxis driver or delivery person.

    Thanks in advance for any input.


    LovingPerson, Dec 28, 2003
  12. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest


    Yeah, I used to think the same way. I would only look for cars
    that didn't have as many miles as 171,000. However, I have changed my
    mind. Hondas are good cars. They are really good. Correct me if I
    am wrong, but don't you think that a good Honda, well maintained, can
    go about 300,000 miles?

    My buddy has an Accura which is basically a Honda in disguise.
    It is a 91 Legend LS with leather. The exterior is Mint and he has
    310,000 miles on it. It runs like a champ still. Probably will go

    Anyone who has opinion on this, please chime in. I am looking
    for good information. Am I correct in thinking my car can go 300k or
    should I start getting rid of the car because it really don't have
    much life left? What would be the smart thing to do? Sell it now
    while I can still sell it or take a gamble that the car can make it to
    300k? How big of a gamble will it be if I try to keep it? Will it
    poop out on me? How much good life would you guess a well maintained
    Prelude can get.

    Mind you, when a car is got 171,000 miles at eight years of age,
    it means that most of the miles were freeway miles. A car does not
    get to that high of a mileage in eight years without being driven on
    the freeway a lot. You just can't gather that kind of miles on local
    roads unless you were a taxis driver or delivery person.

    Thanks in advance for any input.


    LovingPerson, Dec 28, 2003
  13. LovingPerson

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    Mind you, when a car is got 171,000 miles at eight years of age,

    How da hell do you make such an assumption? My mom drives 20,000 miles a year
    and she NEVER uses the freeway!

    You should be HondaMoronMan.

    ^x WITHOUT YOU IN IT! x^
    DrPimpDaddi, Dec 28, 2003
  14. AOL account...
    faux "Gangsta" handle...
    knows how far mom drives in a year...

    I dunno....grade ten maybe?
    Stephen Bigelow, Dec 28, 2003
  15. LovingPerson

    Caroline Guest

    Well there ya go. :)
    I'm an original owner of a 1991 Civic, 150k miles. Lots of Northern winter
    driving. But I still plan to take her over 200,000 miles. Maybe more, depending
    on how the rust looks.

    Can't beat 42+ miles per gallon. Plus, from this newsgroup I feel like I have a
    pretty good command of what's likely to go wrong. Indeed, the top five or so
    casualties to early 1990s Hondas have already happened, and I know what to look

    If your new-used Prelude is in good shape, I'd be hopeful, simply because it is
    a Honda engine.
    I don't know but I'd bet you did not get cheated on the price.
    indicates a 1995 white Prelude Si manual transmission with 171,500 miles and in
    "clean" condition (which is the second from the top condition) goes for the
    following where I live:

    Trade-In: $3,600
    Private Party: $4,600
    Dealer: $6,300

    Your seller's window price of $7k may reflect a different location. I'm in an
    intermediate cost-of-living area.

    Try putting in the specific details at , clicking
    on "What Is Your Car Worth?"
    Sounds reasonable.
    More at the very bottom.
    Tough decision, based on everything you said. Seems like pretty much a toss-up
    to me, given (1) what you could get if you sold either; (2) the higher mileage
    of the Prelude vs. the Accord; (3) the higher age of the Accord vs. the Prelude.

    The deciding factors to me would be which is more fun to drive and maybe miles
    per gallon.
    Caroline, Dec 28, 2003
  16. LovingPerson

    Caroline Guest

    Well there ya go. :)
    I'm an original owner of a 1991 Civic, 150k miles. Lots of Northern winter
    driving. But I still plan to take her over 200,000 miles. Maybe more, depending
    on how the rust looks.

    Can't beat 42+ miles per gallon. Plus, from this newsgroup I feel like I have a
    pretty good command of what's likely to go wrong. Indeed, the top five or so
    casualties to early 1990s Hondas have already happened, and I know what to look

    If your new-used Prelude is in good shape, I'd be hopeful, simply because it is
    a Honda engine.
    I don't know but I'd bet you did not get cheated on the price.
    indicates a 1995 white Prelude Si manual transmission with 171,500 miles and in
    "clean" condition (which is the second from the top condition) goes for the
    following where I live:

    Trade-In: $3,600
    Private Party: $4,600
    Dealer: $6,300

    Your seller's window price of $7k may reflect a different location. I'm in an
    intermediate cost-of-living area.

    Try putting in the specific details at , clicking
    on "What Is Your Car Worth?"
    Sounds reasonable.
    More at the very bottom.
    Tough decision, based on everything you said. Seems like pretty much a toss-up
    to me, given (1) what you could get if you sold either; (2) the higher mileage
    of the Prelude vs. the Accord; (3) the higher age of the Accord vs. the Prelude.

    The deciding factors to me would be which is more fun to drive and maybe miles
    per gallon.
    Caroline, Dec 28, 2003
  17. LovingPerson

    Daniel Gray Guest

    I can speak well about the accord, my buddy has a 1993 Accord LX with
    340,000 on it, and he drove it on a 4000 or so km trip last summer with no
    issues, and it is still going strong... I would say stop telling people
    how good a price ya got on that prelude, patch up the paint chips, get it
    profesionally detailed, maby some new tires or something and try to sell it
    for like 5000... shouldnt be a problem to get that price at all...
    especially for a 1995

    so, IMHO , make some money on the prelude, and drive the accord till it
    dies... it will go for a while yet!!

    Daniel Gray, Dec 29, 2003
  18. LovingPerson

    Daniel Gray Guest

    I can speak well about the accord, my buddy has a 1993 Accord LX with
    340,000 on it, and he drove it on a 4000 or so km trip last summer with no
    issues, and it is still going strong... I would say stop telling people
    how good a price ya got on that prelude, patch up the paint chips, get it
    profesionally detailed, maby some new tires or something and try to sell it
    for like 5000... shouldnt be a problem to get that price at all...
    especially for a 1995

    so, IMHO , make some money on the prelude, and drive the accord till it
    dies... it will go for a while yet!!

    Daniel Gray, Dec 29, 2003
  19. Are you sure the Si has 190hp ?
    Anderson, Drake, Dec 29, 2003
  20. Are you sure the Si has 190hp ?
    Anderson, Drake, Dec 29, 2003
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