Honda 2000 fuse keeps blowing HELP!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sidonie, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. Sidonie

    Sidonie Guest

    Can anyone tell me if they have a lead on what my problem is?

    I have a 2000 Honda Civic EX. My boyfriend recently installed an amp
    and it worked for a few weeks but now the dash lights keep blowing,
    the stereo runs but no sound or lights come up on it and my rear
    headlights have now shut down. My brake lights work, however. I'm
    pretty daft when it comes to car repair though I am slowly trying to

    We were going to remove the amp and see what happens then, though my
    boyfriend is skeptical that it has anything to do with it. What do
    you guys think? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
    Sidonie, Oct 13, 2003
  2. Sidonie

    MikeHunt Guest

    Get a new boyfriend, one who understands automotive electrical
    systems would be an advantage. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Oct 13, 2003
  3. Sidonie

    Chris Guest

    Your b/f messed up.

    Remove the amp and the wiring to the amp. Hopefully that will fix your
    problem. If it does go a Auto stereo shop and get installed there instead
    of trying to save a few $$.
    Chris, Oct 13, 2003
  4. Sidonie

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Sidonie) decided to join the conversation on 13
    Oct 2003 with message
    I'm assuming he had to remove the stereo from the dash... Check to make
    sure the wire labelled "illumination" .. usually orange i think.. is
    either hooked up to the stereo or taped off.. if the end of the wire is
    exposed, the instant it hits something to make a circuit, and you turn
    your lights on .. it will short and blow the dash lights fuse..

    the illumination light basically tells the stereo that the car has turned
    on the head lights.. the stereo will do something like dim, or the
    buttons will light up.. .. some stereos use it, some don't.. i had this
    problem in my '90 Prelude.. the stereo i had didn't use the illum wire..
    and i forgot to tape it off.. it shorted out and blew the dash fuse.. i
    was unaware that my tail lights weren't working until a cop pulled me
    over.. luckily no ticket.

    hope that helps
    -Chris <- My Homepage <- *NEW* My cars <- *Sort-of NEW* My dogs <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-
    town" of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Oct 13, 2003
  5. Sidonie

    Sidonie Guest

    It helped, unfortunately, I had to be pulled over too.

    My bf put everything back to normal (according to everyone's advice,
    thank you)and everything started working again. Now my only problem is
    the stereo is still unresponsive. When the amp was in, it had stopped
    turning the amp on. The stereo will run (CD player spins, radio tuner
    works..) but the stereo lights don't come on and it isn't issuing any
    sound. Does this mean the stereo is shot?
    Sidonie, Oct 16, 2003
  6. Sidonie

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Sidonie) decided to join the conversation on 16
    Oct 2003 with message
    Hmmm i think i had that problem once too.. turned out the constant 12v
    wasn't making it to the stereo.. the stereo had enough power from the
    accessory 12v to power the stereo, but didn't turn on the display .. make
    sure all the wires are hooked up properly... or perhaps take it to a

    -Chris <- My Homepage <- *NEW* My cars <- *Sort-of NEW* My dogs <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-
    town" of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Oct 16, 2003
  7. Sidonie

    Bud & Nina Guest

    Bud & Nina, Oct 17, 2003
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