Help me identify/buy this central console part on a 97 Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Orick, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Orick

    Orick Guest

    Some low life snuck through my condo securtiy gate, broke my car
    window, stole my aftermarket stereo. To add insult to injury, he also
    took this little pocket thing out of the central console. It's to the
    right of the radio in this picture

    It left a big hole in the central console. I went to the dealership to
    buy a new one to cover up the hole. And the guy told me there isn't a
    part number for this and Honda doesn't sell it. I looked at his screen
    and couldn't figure it out either. I also went on Majestic Honda
    website and couldn't find it there either. I don't even know what it's
    called and what it's for. Coin pocket?

    Can anyone help me out and tell me what the part number is and where I
    can get it?

    Orick, Mar 8, 2005
  2. Orick

    Randolph Guest

    I have had luck finding this type of things at the junk yard. '97 is old
    enough that you should be able to find what you need. Civics get
    stripped really fast that the wreckers, so it may take a few trips
    before you find one. Finding a lock knob for my '94 took 3 or 4 trips to
    the local wrecker. But then again, I enjoy going there.

    Sometimes part numbers are stamped on the back of parts, perhaps someone
    can be persuaded to pull out their storage pocket (?) and look for a
    part number.
    Randolph, Mar 9, 2005
  3. Orick

    twfsa Guest

    Looks like its out of a CR-V.


    twfsa, Mar 9, 2005
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