Today, when parked at Home Depot (who I suspect doesn't sweep the parking lots frequently enough), I happened to notice a small screw stuck in my front drivers-side tire. The tire did not seem flat (in fact it was overinflated slightly), but I had just got the car inspected in NJ and maybe they inflate the tires as part of the inspection (who knows). Anyway, I removed the screw by turning counter-clockwise with a pair or pliers. I estimate that the screw was stuck in around 3/16ths of an inch (maybe as much as 1/4" though). It was in one of the deep gaps that surround the circumferance of the tire, but was sticking in at an angle. The diameter of the screw may have been as much as 1/8" (including the threads) depending on how far in it actually was. I plan on putting some soapy water onto the small hole where the screw was. If I don't find any evidence of leakage, and the tire doesn't lose pressure more than other tires, then the question is: Should I: 1) Do nothing or 2) Put a dab of sealant on the OUTSIDE just to help protect the area in case I run over debris there. If so, then what do I use (silicone, or something else?) or 3) Take the tire to a repair shop and have it patched from the inside as a pre-emptive measure Thanks, J.