CRV Valve Adjustment

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Alex, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Alex

    Alex Guest

    I brought my 98 CRV in for an oil change and he strongly suggested I do a
    valve adjustment because they tend to tighten up and burn in this engine.
    This struck me as strange for a few reasons. I had a 89 civic si and sold it
    with 180,000 miles on it. In all that time I think the valves were adjusted
    once. It was still running like a clock when I sold it with no apparent signs
    of valve trouble. I mention that because I believe the CRV has basically the
    same engine. I also thought that valves would only loosen up with time and
    wear; not tighten. Is my logic sound or is there some truth to what I was


    Alex, Mar 21, 2005
  2. Alex

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    The 89 Civic is an SOHC engine, and the CRV is a DOHC engine... so comparing
    the valve train between the engines is not going to give you the info you

    My experience is that in most Honda engines, the intake valves get looser
    over time and the exhaust valves get tighter. It just depends what part of
    the valve is wearing the most.

    I would recommend adjusting that valves whenever the owner's manual suggests
    it, unless Honda has release a revised schedule.
    Jafir Elkurd, Mar 21, 2005
  3. Alex

    Alex Guest

    Does anyone know the service interval?? We bought this car used with no


    Alex, Mar 21, 2005
  4. Alex

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The guy is right. The valves in the first generation CR-V tend to
    tighten, and will burn valves. So you should get them adjusted asap,
    since you don't know the history. The manual is wrong anyway, but you
    should order one from your dealer to save time in front of your
    computer. The concensus over at is 50,000 Km, (30,000
    miles)Ask to have them adjusted on the 'loose' side of the spec. The
    sticker is under the hood with the specs on it.You don't need a Honda
    dealer to do it. . .Just somebody who's good with imports (and the
    engine has to be COLD).

    Same service interval applies to the Dual Pump Fluid in the rear
    differential, otherwise, you'll get an awful grinding / moaning noise
    when you turn tight felt-hand U-turns. It may seem to come from the
    front of the CR-V, but it's caused by the rear diff. It only takes a
    litre, and is a DIY job. Instructions are at, and other places.

    P.S. Go to the original dealer and get them to print out all the
    previous service work. They'll do that for you. They want you to be
    their friend.

    motsco_ _, Mar 21, 2005
  5. Alex

    twfsa Guest

    I did a google on Honda Service intervals and there was an easy to
    understand PDF file .Just as detailed as the factory manual.

    twfsa, Mar 22, 2005
  6. Alex

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Could you provide a link? It would be nice to see if it's correct, or
    just a reprint of the info that's in the Incorrect Honda manual. . .

    motsco_ _, Mar 22, 2005
  7. Alex

    twfsa Guest

    I think this is the link

    twfsa, Mar 23, 2005
  8. Alex

    Alex Guest

    Is there any way to tell if the valves are too tight??
    Alex, Mar 24, 2005
  9. Alex

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Feeler gauge. I would invest in the service manual, if you plan on doing
    your own maintenance or repairs.
    Jafir Elkurd, Mar 24, 2005
  10. Alex

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Like I said . . . If it's got more than 30,000 miles since the last
    adjustment, you've probably got a valve or two that's getting too tight.
    I've been happy with the Chilton's manual, which I got from the Honda
    dealer. Has a red CR-V on the cover. Did you check to see whether your
    CR-V is making that awful noise when you do U-turns as well?

    motsco_ _, Mar 25, 2005
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