Civic - 12V Continous on radio connector?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Gerard, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. Gerard

    Gerard Guest


    I've got a Honda Civic VTi from 94 and am trying to install
    a radio/cd player.

    The Swithced 12V works perfectly, but the 12V (continu)
    only has 0.5V standard or 4.5V when I turn the key to

    Everything worked perfectly until I hooked up my amplifier
    and turned up the volume. After that, the 12V (continue)

    Can anyone tell me what the most likely cause of this problem
    Also, where do I need to look to correct this?
    Gerard, Jul 3, 2003
  2. Gerard

    M.C. Tee Guest

    run a direct wire to the battery, then you have your continous 12v
    M.C. Tee, Jul 3, 2003
  3. Gerard

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Be very carefull to put a fuse in the line as close to the battery as
    you can if you decide to do this. A short would make a very hot wire
    very quickly. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 3, 2003
  4. Gerard

    John D. Guest

    You could run a thick-gauge power wire directly from the + terminal of
    the battery to your radio. Put an in-line fuse-holder in it of course
    and use a fuse properly rated amp-wise for your radio (or whatever
    else you want to connect). Connect the ground wire for the radio to a
    good chassis/body screw nearby. Of course, power is "always on" in
    this wire but when you turn the radio off there shouldn't be any
    battery drain.

    That way you bypass whatever else is going on and you get all the
    power you need, especially for amps.

    Years ago, I did the same thing on my '73 Datsun (still running)
    except more elaborately: I ran said fused power wire to a second fuse
    block (I made myself) which made it much more convenient for
    connecting more devices later on to a power hunting for a
    connection each time I added something, just go to the fuse block.
    And, each device can be fused separately and correctly right there at
    its point of connection to power. My two power amps (front and rear
    speaker amps) are connected to this block.

    You can also make a ground "bus" connector so you have just one (the
    same) grounding point for all your devices, too.

    Good luck.

    John D.
    John D., Jul 3, 2003
  5. Gerard

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Someplace in that circuit is a resistor. Feel like looking for a wiring
    diagram ? bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 3, 2003
  6. Gerard

    M.C. Tee Guest

    oops, forgot to mention that, yes, always put in a fuse
    M.C. Tee, Jul 4, 2003
  7. Gerard

    John D. Guest

    1. You're welcome.

    2. Don't know. Wouldn't do it that way.

    Good luck,

    John D.
    John D., Jul 7, 2003
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