Cause of range underreporting by 50% on '04 Accord Nav sys trip computer?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by talbotlago, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. talbotlago

    talbotlago Guest

    Can anyone suggest a likely cause for the sudden under-reporting by 50%
    of available range remaining on a full tank of gas with my '04 Accord
    EX V6 w/ nav system's trip computer? I have reset the "history"
    function both on filling the tank as well as repeatedly every 10 miles
    thereafter while on the highway cruising at 32+ displayed average, not
    instant, mpg, yet rather than showing a range of ~540 miles (17 gal x
    32 avg. mpg) as it used to until 2 weeks ago, the trip computer display
    has under the same circumstances taken to showing a range left on a
    full tank of only 226 miles, effectively ignoring half of the fuel in
    the tank at the reported avg. 32 mpg that is being achieved
    consistently on the highway.

    The range very slowly climbs to 250 miles as the tank reaches displayed
    1/2 full, so the problem effectively goes away at a half-tankful but
    then returns to under-reporting as further fuel is consumed, on the
    order of a 50 mile deficit, compared to calculations of the amount of
    fuel remaining based on the displayed avg. mpg for the trip, times the
    same avg. mpg value.

    Could this be a fuel float / sender problem in the tank, or is it more
    likely the nav. system chip(s)? As the car is now out of warranty, I
    don't want to spend more than $50 getting this fixed if at all
    possible. Suggestions, anyone?
    talbotlago, Dec 31, 2005
  2. talbotlago

    Graham W Guest

    Does it ever show you 256+ miles left? It may be a bit8 problem in
    the binary part of the display thingy.
    Graham W, Dec 31, 2005
  3. If the (Honda?) Nav computer is functioning, it unlikely to be a chip
    problem. More likely a connector problem somewhere.

    If this is a 04 model, how is this out warranty? Does the nav system only
    have a 12 month warranty?

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Dec 31, 2005
  4. If the (Honda?) Nav computer is functioning, it unlikely to be a chip
    problem. More likely a connector problem somewhere.

    If this is a 04 model, how is this out warranty? Does the nav system only
    have a 12 month warranty?

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Dec 31, 2005
  5. If the (Honda?) Nav computer is functioning, it unlikely to be a chip
    problem. More likely a connector problem somewhere.

    If this is a 04 model, how is this out warranty? Does the nav system only
    have a 12 month warranty?

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Dec 31, 2005
  6. talbotlago

    muzz Guest

    Probably the same type of reporting as my gas mileage on my
    04 Civic hybrid - reported 48 I get 33
    muzz, Jan 2, 2006
  7. talbotlago

    mike120877 Guest

    This just happened to me this week! Did you get your computer fixed
    mike120877, Jul 8, 2009
  8. talbotlago

    Isaiah Guest

    Mine is regularly about 0.2-0.3 MPG less then the manual calculation.
    Isaiah, Jul 9, 2009
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