Car will not start in cold weather, Why?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Aaron, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    I have a Ford Explorer and it will not start when it dips into the 20s.
    It has about 50,000 miles and is a 1999. The battery is fine and the
    engine cranks. When the weather warms back up it starts fine. I used to
    drive an old car and I had to set the choke in cold weather, but I
    thought it was automatic in the newer cars. Does anyone have any ideas?
    Aaron, Jan 6, 2005
  2. Aaron

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Doesn't your F.O.R.D. owner's manuals say it's OK to hold the pedal
    part-way to the floor in very cold weather? It does in the Honda manuals
    , for that vintage. Have you read your manual?

    The engine needs AIR to start, and when it's spinning slow, it needs a
    little help from the owner.

    motsco_ _, Jan 6, 2005
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    No, I have not read the manual. Good idea! Wish I would have thought
    about that. I guess holding the pedal half way down sets the choke?
    Aaron, Jan 6, 2005
  4. Aaron

    TeGGer® Guest

    You haven't got a choke because you don't have a carburetor.

    Stepping on the gas allows more air in than the engine controls can allow
    by themselves.
    TeGGer®, Jan 6, 2005
  5. I know what's wrong. It's a Ford! Found On the Road Dead! ;-)

    Seriously, I know quite a few people with newer Fords, GMs and especially
    Chryslers who have had problems starting in cold weather. On the other
    hand, my '93 Honda Accord has 219,000 km (136,000 miles) on it, and it has
    never, EVER failed to start in cold weather, even in the serious deep
    freezes we have had here over the last few winters.
    Imminent Vengeance, Jan 6, 2005
  6. Aaron

    Remco Guest

    You realize this is a Honda group, right? We don't discriminate, though

    On my father in law's F250 not starting in cold weather was related to
    the viscosity of the oil used. In other words, he'd use a thinner oil
    in winter months so it could crank easier. With thicker oil, it had to
    work too hard where the battery just could not supply reasonable
    current to the other parts.
    Or you could just trade that ford in for a Honda :)
    Remco, Jan 6, 2005
  7. does the starter moves,
    if yes-try using engine oil 5w-40, and install the block heater
    George Kinley, Jan 7, 2005
  8. Aaron

    Woody Guest

    Have it looked at with an OBD2 scanner. You probably have a bad sensor
    causing the mixture to be wrong when cold. Guessing at these problems could
    cost you a fortune and never fix it.
    Woody, Jan 7, 2005
  9. Aaron

    Sparky Guest

    It's not a Honda.
    Sparky, Jan 9, 2005
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