Battery Drain #9 fuse 2005 Honda CRV

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by sc1965, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. sc1965

    sc1965 Guest

    I bought a brand new 2005 Honda CRV SE last year and am having a few
    problems. After a few months, the dome light in the back turns on and
    shows up on the dash like the door is open when it's not open or even
    unlocked. I couldn't get the dome light to shut off no matter how hard
    I shut the door. It would go on and off on it's own so I turned the
    dome to the off position but the dash icon does not stay off. After
    taking it to the dealer 3 times and being told it's all in my head and
    they tell me they've adjusted the sensitivity to it, it goes on again
    as soon as I am 10 miles from the dealership. Not a big deal but it
    was a nuisance.

    Six months later I have a remote starter installed and was very happy.
    Several months later my battery is dead if I don't drive the car every
    24 hours...something is draining the battery. I buy a new battery. A
    few days later the new battery is dead. I take it to my neighborhood
    mechanic, he didn't believe the back door light story and blames it on
    my remote starter, they he realizes the back door light is truly a
    problem. He disables the auto starter and adjusts the back door
    sensitivity but can't fix the battery drain problem and tells me to
    take it to the dealer.

    The dealer doesn't want to honor the warranty because of the remote
    starter and thinks maybe it caused the car to "go bad". I have had
    nothing but the runaround. The fuse #9 shows up as causing the
    electrical drain on the battery. The fuse is what the interior lights
    are connected to. What am I supposed to do now? I need the car to run
    and I need the fuse to be operational. AAA roadside assistance is now
    maxed out for the year because of how many jump starts I've needed.

    The dealers treat me like I'm a second class citizen and tell me I
    should have my "husband" talk to them. Well, I don't have one of those
    and I didn't need a husband when I bought the car and paid cash! My
    money was good enough then but aparently not enough to get these jerks
    to fix my car. Does anyone have any realistic options outside of me
    getting a mail order husband to "rescue" me?
    sc1965, Dec 21, 2006
  2. sc1965

    E Meyer Guest

    Go to a different dealer and don't say anything about remote start. Just
    tell them about fuse #9 and the back light. Have you checked that the
    window in the back is fully closed? That is what sets the "trunk open"
    light on the dash, not the door itself.
    E Meyer, Dec 21, 2006
  3. sc1965

    Matt Ion Guest

    Seconded - go to another dealer, and tell them YOUR dealer is treating you like
    crap. They should know if they can make you happy, they'll have won a customer
    away from their competitor.
    Matt Ion, Dec 21, 2006
  4. sc1965

    Woody Guest

    Call Honda customer support and file a complaint with them. The number is in
    your owners manual....
    Woody, Dec 24, 2006
  5. sc1965

    ponchonutty Guest

    Magnuson vs. moss act is all you have to say to your dealer.
    ponchonutty, Dec 26, 2006
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