Any experience with OEM after-market roof rack for '03 CRV?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by saf, May 14, 2006.

  1. saf

    saf Guest


    I'm thinking of buying an after-market roof rack for our '03 CRV. The
    dealer wants over $400 for the official Honda rack (goes in those available
    speaces on the roof) but I see bunches available on e-bay for about half of
    that. I'm looking to hear from anyone who may have bad or good experiences
    with those after-market racks. Your help is appreciated! Thanks,

    saf, May 14, 2006
  2. --------------------------------

    Just do a google groups search, or search this NG. We did this one a few
    days ago. If you're in Canada, you'll be pleased to see the excellent
    photos and write-up are provided by a Canadian CR-V / Pilot owner..

    'Curly Q. Links', May 14, 2006
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