any advice for changing valve guide seals? 90 Civic Ex 1.6L 5spd

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Bruce, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Guest

    I have a little puff of blue smoke on startup, none while it's being
    driven. I've been told this indicates worn valve guide seals and that
    it's possible to change the seals with the head on the block. Anyone
    ever done this? I've seen it discussed here, something about using
    compressed air to hold valves open or something like that, don't really
    know where to start though. My manual says head needs to come off, but
    I don't think it's bad enough right now to get into that much work.

    Bruce, Aug 26, 2005
  2. Bruce

    jim beam Guest

    i've seen it done with the head in place - but i'd never do it on a car
    i owned or where i had any liability. i don't recommend it.

    but, basically you get the piston of the relevant cylinder to top dead
    center, then using a deep drive socket, [gently] hammer the spring
    retainer at the top of the valve. this will [eventually] dislodge the
    keepers because the valve strikes the piston crown and the retainer
    moves on the shaft of the valve & the keepers shake loose. they can
    also drop down into oil passages, but hey, as you're not changing the
    seals this way, it's not a problem, right? once the keepers & retainers
    are out, you can remove the springs, pop the seals off, replace with new
    ones, and ponder about how to replace the springs/retainers/keepers.
    leverage with an improvised tool of some kind is the way to go, but
    you'll have to figure that one out when you get there.

    bottom line, removing the head sounds like apita, but really, it's the
    only way to ensure the job's done safely, with minimal chance of loss or
    damage to the car or yourself.

    and if you drop valve springs on the floor, disgard them. any slight
    damage to the surface of the wire will cause fatigue, failure and valve
    strike while the engine is running.
    jim beam, Aug 27, 2005
  3. Bruce

    bottledoctor Guest

    I understand with a little effort you can do each cylinder one at a time by
    going to TDC (each cyl)
    & remove that spark plug.. LOCK the cam or engine. remove the spark plug &
    RIG what it takes to put 100+ psi in the cylinder, keeping it there. (so,
    you WILL need a compressor on it) .. After getting that use a rented valve
    compression spring tool & do 1 cyl at a time.. long as you KEEP those
    valves closed with that compressor
    Its not a risky job... Any of you old timers out there familiar with this
    approach fill in any wrinkles i may have left out.... bottledoctor
    bottledoctor, Aug 27, 2005
  4. Bruce

    jim beam Guest

    some lever-type spring tools may do it, like this:

    but the bona-fide tool is the c-clamp style which requires head removal,
    like this:

    compressed air is unnecessary. the valves are real close to the
    pistons, so they soon touch and you can free the valve keepers once
    contact is made.
    jim beam, Aug 27, 2005
  5. Bruce

    B Squareman Guest

    I've done this a few times with the head on the block. The tools I'd
    used are pretty practical and safe.

    1. Rope
    2. Y fork tool. Looks like a tuning fork with a flat head tip

    Run the rope into the cylinder. Turn the crank shaft nearly
    to TDC. This tightens the valves against the head. Remove the
    camshaft but put the bolts back in. Using the tuning fork (in
    conjunction to the bolts) lever the spring downwards, or compress
    the spring (no need to hammer on the springs, tends to loose the
    keepers & retainers.) With tweezers, remove the keepers &
    retainers. Install in the reverse procedure.

    If the valve stems are leaking I would assume the worse. Since
    the head is presumbly overheated at some point, I would check the
    compression. If it's under spec, I would remove the head and do it the
    right way. But, installing the head requires some precision in order
    to have the gasket last the life of the car.
    B Squareman, Aug 27, 2005
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