Anti-Theft radio and the Aux Power Plug(cigarette lighter)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Al, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. Al

    Al Guest

    My 1998 Accord EX battery was getting real tired on these cold mornings,
    so I took it to WalMart for a new one. I explained the radio's requirements,
    and they assured me that they are professionals and would do the job
    correctly. They used a "reserve power" plug to maintain voltage to the
    anti-theft radio during the change. It didn't work. No, I don't have the
    code, because it didn't come with the car when I bought it, used. The honda
    dealer has me scheduled to remove the center console, and radio, and get the
    code from Honda. His estimate is $65. Is there a method, using the power
    recepticle, that would work? How should one do it? What is the approved

    Al, Feb 20, 2006
  2. -------------------------------

    SEARCH is your friend. Search this NG, or go to

    You really should have been sure YOU had the code before they locked
    your radio. Here's the quick version. The CODE is five digits long, and
    often written inside the owner's manual, or on white stickers inside the
    glove box, sometimes it's just the serial number, but it will get you
    the answer. The dealer who serviced that car PROBABLY has the CODE noted
    in their computer. Try turning ON the radio, turn OFF the key. Hold 1
    and 6 and turn key to accessory (position II). If the radio starts
    spelling out two groups of four digits with alpha characters on the
    front, write them down. Eight digits make up your serial number. Now ANY
    dealer can get your CODE for you, and should do it for free, providing
    you prove you're the owner of the vehicle (VIN # and registration are
    sometimes asked for).

    P.S. When your owner's manual arrives, write the CODE in it, as well as
    inside the fuse box covers.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 20, 2006
  3. Al

    chip Guest

    the 1 and 6 trick only works on ex models in 2001 and almost all
    models 2002 and current.

    post a VIN # and let's see what we can do.

    the memory saver for the accessory outlet only works on domestics.
    the socket is dead on a honda with the key off. I use a jump box at
    the terminals to assure i don't have this problem.
    chip, Feb 21, 2006
  4. Al

    Matt Ion Guest

    That's what he gets for going to Wal-Mart for automotive ANYTHING.
    Matt Ion, Feb 21, 2006
  5. Al

    AZ Nomad Guest

    Better yet, let's not.

    If the radio isn't stolen, any dealer can lookup the code and give it to him
    provided he can show them the car is his. Shouldn't be hard. A copy of
    the registration and photo ID is enough.

    If the radio is stolen then having a bitch of a time getting the code is
    a good thing.
    AZ Nomad, Feb 21, 2006
  6. Al

    Al Guest

    And if the car didn't come with it, HOW do I make sure I have it?
    The car is from out of town, and the dealer doesn't have it.
    I think this is for newer cars.
    I have the manual, and we searched it. No code.
    It cost 37.50 to tear the thing apart, I now have the code. The dealer now
    has the code. It is written in my manual, glovebox, fusebox, and trunk lid.
    Al, Feb 21, 2006
  7. Al

    Al Guest

    I couldn't agree more.

    Al, Feb 21, 2006
  8. Al

    Al Guest

    The radio isn't stolen. The car isn't stolen. I have the License, Title, and
    registration. I have photo ID, a clear criminal record, and a bill of sale.
    dealer can't "Look up the code", without the radio serial number. The serial
    number is not available from the front. As I said in another response, I now
    the code, $37.50 later, and have written it down everywhere I can think of.

    Al, Feb 21, 2006
  9. Al

    AZ Nomad Guest

    The dealer should have been able to look up the radio code from the VIN.
    AZ Nomad, Feb 21, 2006
  10. Al

    Al Guest

    According to the dealer, "That is not possible".

    Horizon Honda/Mazda
    Roseburg, Oregon

    Al, Feb 21, 2006
  11. Al

    chip Guest

    chip, Feb 22, 2006
  12. Al

    chip Guest

    it's very common for people to think this way, but it's just not
    true at all!!!! the vin has nothing to do with the radio code.
    people come in all the time thinking this.. don't believe it!
    Unless the dealer recorded the code at the time of PDI it's
    impossible to cross vin to radio!
    chip, Feb 22, 2006
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