99 Accord - Could sure use a quick tip

Discussion in 'Accord' started by John Smith, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    Help! I'm all set to replace the ignition coil on a 1999 Accord LX 4D, 2.3

    Problem: The two screw/bolts holding the distributor cover in place seem
    nearly rounded on the outside and very soft in the slots where a Phillips
    screwdriver seems to belong. I'm scared to damage them but can't get either
    one started at all. A 6mm wrench is too small, the 7mm slips over the

    Any ideas or experieces greatly appreciated
    John Smith, Oct 29, 2006
  2. Try using an impact screwdriver.

    loewent via CarKB.com, Oct 29, 2006
  3. John Smith

    motsco_ Guest


    You probably need to switch to a WAY BIGGER Phillips tip, or grind a few
    thousandths off the tip of the one you have. Jap phillips has a
    shallower hole in it. Same is true for the screw on the distributor rotor.

    motsco_, Oct 29, 2006
  4. John Smith

    dsguy Guest

    Snap On has the only phillips screwdriver I would even think of using
    on that..just make sure it's the right size. Otherwise....there's
    always ViseGrips.
    dsguy, Oct 30, 2006
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