98 Civic - auto tranny question

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Michael Gazer, Jul 5, 2003.

  1. I have a 9 Civic EX and I wondered if what I am experiencing is normal..
    When I am driving and am coasting to a stop (eg. approaching a red light),
    when I step on the gas to accelerate (once the light goes green), the tranny
    "lurches"...It is almost like it is too high a gear and when I step on the
    gas, it has to suddenly downshift to the next lowest gear. The result is
    that the car sort of lurches forward as the tranny downshifts..

    I know that this is no luxury car but if this is normal, I have lost ALL
    respect for Honda.

    This is a replacement tranny from Honda and I can't remember this problem
    occuring with the original tranny (until it gave me other problems!)

    Any thoughts would be helpful..
    Michael Gazer, Jul 5, 2003
  2. It is a 98 Civic
    Michael Gazer, Jul 5, 2003
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