97 Honda Civic Ex blowing 20A a/c fuse

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Lynn McGuire, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. Lynn McGuire

    Lynn McGuire Guest


    My 97 Honda Civic EX just starting blowing the 20A condenser
    a/c fuse today. I have put in two replacements which also blew
    fairly quickly. Does anyone know what could cause this ?

    Lynn McGuire
    Lynn McGuire, Aug 26, 2010
  2. Lynn McGuire

    Seth Guest

    My first guesses would be an electrical short (which would blow any fuse of
    any size) or a problem with the condenser drawing too much power. Have the
    condenser checked.
    Seth, Aug 26, 2010
  3. Lynn McGuire

    jim beam Guest

    condenser? don't you mean compressor?
    jim beam, Aug 26, 2010
  4. Lynn McGuire

    Lynn McGuire Guest

    My 97 Honda Civic EX just starting blowing the 20A condenser
    I checked all of the wiring for worn areas this morning and
    did not see anything. In fact, I am quite impressed with all
    of the wiring and wiring shields.

    Lynn McGuire, Aug 26, 2010
  5. Lynn McGuire

    Lynn McGuire Guest

    My 97 Honda Civic EX just starting blowing the 20A condenser
    Took it to a local shop. The electric clutch on the compressor
    is shorting out. So, they are putting in a new a/c compressor
    (probably rebuilt) with clutch in for me. Lucky me !

    Lynn McGuire, Aug 27, 2010
  6. Lynn McGuire

    Jim Yanik Guest

    you should verify that you're getting a new compressor if you are paying
    for a new compressor.

    If they're installing a rebuilt item,they should tell you that.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Aug 27, 2010
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