96 Accord - ABS Light Comes on, Radio shuts off, Clock resets...???

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Virtual Elvis, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Hi,

    I have a 96 Accord EX with 181k on it. For the past couple of days my car
    stereo has been shutting off intermittently, like there is a short
    somewhere. At first I just assumed it was a prolem with the stereo itself,
    but I noticed last night that the ABS light comes on and whatever the event
    that causes this to happen also shuts off the stereo for a few seconds. The
    ABS light goes off for a few minutes and then comes back on, shutting off
    the stereo again and the cycle repeats.

    When I was pulling in my driveway last night it seemed like the headlights
    flickered ever so slightly, but I can't be sure I wasn't just imagining the
    barely perceptable change. But when I went to start the car this morning,
    the clock had reset and the ABS/radio issue was more frequent. I also
    noticed that when I shut the car off the power locks didn't work the first
    time I tried them. I waited a minute or two and then they worked fine, but
    obviously I am concerned about this and am hoping someone can offer some
    insight into what the problem/fix might be. I checked the fuses and the
    all seemed to be okay. Any help would be HUGELY appreciated!

    Virtual Elvis
    Virtual Elvis, Sep 22, 2009
  2. Virtual Elvis

    Seth Guest

    First thing I'd check is the battery cables (most specifically the ground
    cable) and the batteries over all condition (age, load, voltage at rest and
    with car running). Low battery issues can be tricky and seem random.
    Seth, Sep 22, 2009
  3. Virtual Elvis

    Clete Guest

    Good Advice. I agree.
    Clete, Sep 23, 2009
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