93 Honda: 200,000 miles. How much for new engine install?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MIRSE, Nov 21, 2004.

  1. MIRSE

    MIRSE Guest

    My stepfather bought a 93 Honda red 2-door hatchback Civic when it was new so
    his grandkids could have something to drive.

    Now it has a terrible oil leak, and the only thing to do is get a new engine.

    It has a little over 200,000 miles.

    It has been sitting in my stepfather's driveway for around 6 months.

    My stepfather said he got an estimate for around $2000 to put a new engine in

    I said that such an estimate is low, and I think it would be close to
    $4000-$5000 range to get a good engine installed in this 93 Honda Civic 2-door
    Hatchback and to get the Honda back in good working condition.

    I told him that it would be a waste of money, because he could probably get a
    good running used car in the $4000-$5000 range.

    My question: Can my stepfather really get a good engine installed in the 92
    Honda Civic Hatchback---one of those red ones I see everywhere---for around
    $2000, or will it cost more in the $4000-$5000 range?

    Thanks for your help.
    MIRSE, Nov 21, 2004
  2. MIRSE

    Dee Guest

    << Can my stepfather really get a good engine installed in the 92 Honda
    Civic Hatchback---one of those red ones I see everywhere---for around $2000
    I'm guessing your stepfather could get an entire running '92 Civic Hatchback
    for around $2000.
    Dee, Nov 21, 2004
  3. MIRSE

    Woody Guest

    Why do you need a new engine because of an oil leak?
    Woody, Nov 21, 2004
  4. MIRSE

    kyle lallave Guest

    ok u can get a D16y8 engine which is a SOHC(single over-head cam) V-tec for
    about $600 that has 40,000 miles on it...that engine is very reliable and
    good..altogether it will be about 1200 w/shipping and install...if u need a
    website email me
    kyle lallave, Nov 22, 2004
  5. MIRSE

    SoCalMike Guest

    how bads the leak, and from where?
    getting up there in age, but if its still got good compression and was
    taken care of, it might be good for another 100k. if... of course.
    just the engine? sure, or less. a low mileage junkyard engine would be
    cheaper, or possibly a rebuild of the existing engine... new rings,
    valves, seals, etc?
    true, but hows the condition of the rest of the car?
    keep calling around. in los angeles, we have access to imported japanese
    engines from cars that are "junked" over there. generally clean and low
    mileage. i guess they dont do much driving on that island... nowhere to go?
    SoCalMike, Nov 22, 2004
  6. MIRSE

    MIRSE Guest

    Subject: Re: 93 Honda: 200,000 miles. How much for new engine install?
    Could you post the website here so that others who might be thinking about
    replacing a Honda engine in a 93 Civic can also check out the website? Thanks.
    MIRSE, Nov 22, 2004
  7. MIRSE

    remcow Guest


    If you have a leak, perhaps you won't need to replace the engine at all. It
    could be something relatively simple, costing a fraction of 2K providing the
    engine is still in good shape.

    I'd invest in getting the engine steam cleaned and see where it is coming
    from - what do you have to lose, if you may replace the engine anyway? For
    4K you can probably get a newer car -- it seems excessively high for a

    Hope this helps.
    remcow, Nov 22, 2004
  8. MIRSE

    Abeness Guest

    Yeah. I got a 94 Civic EX for $2300 here in NYC a few months back,
    courtesy of craig's list. 112K then, in great shape. Got a few things to
    do, but they're all normal wear and tear as far as I can see.
    Abeness, Nov 22, 2004
  9. MIRSE

    kyle lallave Guest

    http://www.jdm-online.com/honda/index.html..this site has a variety of JDM
    engine for cheap
    the JDM D15B vtec tahts in the 92-95 civics
    http://www.starjdm.com/honda.html some more JDM engines for cheap

    If you need more tell me
    kyle lallave, Nov 22, 2004
  10. MIRSE

    MIRSE Guest

    Subject: Re: 93 Honda: 200,000 miles. How much for new engine install?
    We took the 93 Honda to the Honda dealership. They said that the source of
    the terrible oil leak and the car running terribly was a small hole in the

    They said it could not be fixed.

    Note: We had to tow the car to the nearby Honda dealership, because we
    couldn't get it to run.

    It would start for a few seconds, but it made terrible noises before it
    suddenly cut off.

    Oil spit out all over the driveway under the Honda just to the right of the
    oxygen sensor that sits at the front of the engine just behind the radiator.
    MIRSE, Nov 22, 2004
  11. MIRSE

    SoCalMike Guest

    thats some weird shit. id say the dealers full of it and trying to sell
    a new car, but oil spewing? noises? wow.

    got any friends or anything that might know about cars that can come
    over and confirm?
    SoCalMike, Nov 23, 2004
  12. MIRSE

    SoCalMike Guest

    is it on the front of the block on the 93's?

    its on the back on my '98.
    SoCalMike, Nov 23, 2004
  13. MIRSE

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Sounds (exactly) like somebody swiped your OIL FILTER ! ! !

    motsco_ _, Nov 23, 2004
  14. MIRSE

    MIRSE Guest

    Subject: Re: 93 Honda: 200,000 miles. How much for new engine install?
    Sorry, we don't know anyone who could check the Honda serious oil leak and
    confirm if it is a very serious unfixable problem, or if it is something a good
    mechanic could fix.

    Thanks for your suggestion.
    MIRSE, Nov 23, 2004
  15. MIRSE

    Caroline Guest

    Oh come on: Now I'm hooked on this little mystery! Post your location and
    maybe one of the group will come over and take a look. :)

    As I too suspect the oil filter is on the rear, how about a failed seal at
    the base of the oil dipstick tube? IIRC there is a little seal way down
    there that does fail. Or the tube itself may have ruptured.
    Caroline, Nov 23, 2004
  16. Believe him, people. The motor's history. When a connecting rod
    puts a hole on the block, serious noise and oil will come out near the
    O2 sensor and onto the driveway eventually shutting down. The dealer
    has confirm it's not fixable. Before, I use to replace the crankshaft, rod
    bearings, even seal the block and the whole nine yards. Today, it's not

    If an angry neighbor or vandalist swipes or loosens the OIL FILTER ,
    including yanking the oil PRESSURE switch, then OP's SECURITY is
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 23, 2004
  17. MIRSE

    KWW Guest

    I am looking for such a vehicle... have a '92 Civic with a good
    engine/tranny but bad body. Maybe you should advertise it. Especially if
    you live in TX.
    KWW, Nov 25, 2004
  18. Just don't get one from Houston or the coast...


    Grumpy au Contraire, Nov 25, 2004
  19. MIRSE

    KWW Guest

    What about a bad seal behind the timing belt cover (if the lead is high up)
    or a bad pan gasket (if it is lower down). You could at least take it to
    the car was, steam off the area, and then look for oozing... start it up,
    and look for the leak. It sounds too weird.
    KWW, Nov 26, 2004
  20. You can get a new motor complete for aorund 500 bucks or less depending
    on what you want. A complete replacement is a DOHC f23 engine. y ou can
    use your existing transmission. look around for any importers or local

    good luck!
    julioboostamante, Jan 19, 2005
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