All is well, noticeable increase in low-rpm 1st gear power, not sure about mileage yet, but promising... Only problem: My rad fan still isn't working because I can't get the *&$!damned boot off of the thermo-switch under the intake manifold. I can only get one hand in there, and the boot is so old it's as stiff as a board and I just can't pull the thing off. Won't twist, no room for a screwdriver to wedge it off, in a fit of rage I was tempted to cut the ever-blessed thing off with a carpet knife, but not sure if I can get another one so discretion won out. I know for sure I'm getting this new switch in one way or another because it's special order and I can't return it. Plus, a few times this summer it would have helped to have that fan running. Is the boot really necessary? Will try the dealer tomorrow about a replacement boot. Anyone had this problem or have any ideas? There really isn't a place on the engine where this switch would be *harder* to get to... :^P -Bruce