6 cyl vs 4 for 200,000 miles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by d.saxe, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. d.saxe

    d.saxe Guest

    I am about to buy an Accord and the 160 hp 4 cyl is all I really need
    but I plan to own this for a long time and put about 200,000 miles on
    it. My question is would the 6 cyl be more likely to reach that
    milestone than the 4 with a lot less problems along the way or doesn't
    it really matter?
    d.saxe, Feb 27, 2005
  2. d.saxe

    Mista Bone Guest

    Well, since Honda has had issues with the V6 auto trannys, and your not
    needing a "hot rod" go with the 4 cylinder.
    Mista Bone, Feb 27, 2005
  3. d.saxe

    SoCalMike Guest

    honda has more years making 4s than 6es. id tend to stick with the 4.
    especially the manual-shift version.
    SoCalMike, Feb 27, 2005
  4. d.saxe

    Net-Doctor Guest

    For my money I'd go with the V6-no question. Much smoother, better power to
    the road. Ignore what you've heard-V6 is the best choice.
    Of the 5 Accords sitting in my drive, only one is V6. The L4s have had
    no auto transmission problems at all, and the V6 is a four speed
    auto.Collectively accumulated over 800,000 miles.
    See my collection at:

    Net-Doctor, Feb 27, 2005
  5. d.saxe

    jim beam Guest

    stick with the 4. there are some amazing mileages recorded for them.
    also go to a junk yard some time. proportional to the sales volume,
    there are many more junked honda 6's there than there are 4's - that
    tells you all you need to know.
    jim beam, Feb 27, 2005
  6. I have a 2001 4cyl and a 2004 6cyl. The 4cyl has very adequate power and is
    a very reliable engine. However for me the 6 cyl is a helluva lot more fun
    to drive and I get a lot more smiles per mile. If the extra performance is
    not of concern to you then by all means buy the 4 cyl which will also save
    you quite a bit on the initial investment and the probably cost less for
    maintenance and repairs. For me the 6cyl was well worth the investment that
    I have never given a second thought. . --- Steve
    Steven L Umbach, Feb 28, 2005
  7. d.saxe

    Gerald Fay Guest

    It wont be long before we are paying over $3.00 a gallon for gas.
    The end of the gas hogs is at hand. Just go to Europe and see what the
    average European is driving.

    5 years from not you will be glad you got a car with 26/34 rather than
    one with 19/25. Per tank that will be 170 extra miles of driving!

    Also if I am right the 4 will sell better at that time.
    Gerald Fay, Feb 28, 2005
  8. d.saxe

    jmattis Guest

    Any decent Japanese V6 should be able to reach 200,000+ miles. That
    said, an I-4 is better balanced and goes through fewer weird harmonics
    than a V6, so it probably will last longer. Theoretically, you want a
    V8 or an I-4, not a V6.

    If you do push the I-4 hard on a habitual basis, the auto tranny will
    be doing a lot of downshifting. All those shifts could be harder on it
    than a V6 (with more torque) is. Keep that in mind before you decide
    that an I-4 has adequate power.

    I bought a 2004 V6 EX and love it. Never even drove the I-4, so I
    don't know how it does.

    jmattis, Feb 28, 2005
  9. d.saxe

    Pars Guest

    If you want a car that will shine after 200,000 miles, a standard tranny
    without AC would be the best combo.

    If Automatic and AC is a must, the 4 cyl Honda has a better reputation when
    compared to the V6. However, If the car is going to pull alot of load,
    and/or driven in an area with extreme hills, then a V6 would be a better

    Pars, Feb 28, 2005
  10. After a quick google search, I found a '93 Accord that was traded in with
    over 1 million miles. The dealership has the thing on display. It is a 4
    cylinder, manual transmission, and apparently has been driven all day every
    day for 13 years.

    Longevity is no longer correlated with power or displacement as it may have
    been 40 years ago in American cars.

    In my experience, the L4 is just fine unless you plan on towing.

    Honda automatic transmissions are problematic. Choice of transmission
    should trump choice of motor.

    Keith E. Loyd, Feb 28, 2005
  11. d.saxe

    Net-Doctor Guest

    Respect your opinions. I stick to my original statement. For my money, V6
    Net-Doctor, Feb 28, 2005
  12. d.saxe

    dold Guest

    Odd you should mention 40 years ago as some sort of special date.
    My Dad's 64 Chevy II was purchased in January of 1965. It has 340,000
    miles on it, maybe 440K. Not enough digits on the odometer, and we tend to
    lose track after a while. The two speed Powerglide automatic transmission
    was rebuilt at 65,000 miles, and it is vibrating pretty badly now due to a
    worn front bushing. The 194 cubic inch straight six was about the smallest
    engine availble on a US built car at the time.
    dold, Mar 1, 2005
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