2010 Honda Civic coupe A/C problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Steven L., Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Steven L.

    Steven L. Guest

    I've noticed when I start up my 2010 Honda Civic Coupe and turn on the
    A/C, the air coming out of the vents refuses to cool down to the proper
    temperature, even after prolonged driving. It's somewhat cool, but not
    cool enough.

    But if I turn the temp knob all the way to "hot" (red) and then back to
    "cool" (blue), the air then cools down to a very chilly proper

    Evidently cycling the temp knob back and forth forces the A/C air to get

    Any ideas why this happens?

    -- Steven L.
    Steven L., Oct 30, 2010
  2. "Steven L." wrote

    But if I turn the temp knob all the way to "hot" (red) and then back to
    "cool" (blue), the air then cools down to a very chilly proper

    Evidently cycling the temp knob back and forth forces the A/C air to get

    Any ideas why this happens?
    Howard Lester, Oct 30, 2010
  3. You know, I bet he hasn't even bothered to crack his owner's manual.
    After all, he knows how to drive!
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 30, 2010
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