2004 Honda Pilot

Discussion in 'Pilot' started by Oradba Linux, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Oradba Linux

    Oradba Linux Guest

    How good or bad are the reviews for this vehicle compared against Toyota
    Highlander Limited V6 Model ?
    Oradba Linux, Sep 4, 2004
  2. Oradba Linux

    mk Guest

    Both SUVs are rated very well. The Honda has more room in it than the
    Highlander and a standard 3rd row seat. I bought the Honda because I have
    kids and needed the extra room.

    mk, Sep 4, 2004
  3. Oradba Linux

    Larry Guest

    Just curious, but what is everyone paying for the Pilot?

    Larry, Sep 4, 2004
  4. Oradba Linux

    mk Guest

    $29,500 for the EX, leather, DVD. This included the autodiming review
    mirror and the crossbars for the roof rack.

    mk, Sep 5, 2004
  5. Oradba Linux

    mk Guest

    Sorry, make that a rearview mirror.

    mk, Sep 5, 2004
  6. Oradba Linux

    Bob Burns Guest

    Go to your friendly neighborhood library and look at Consumers Reports.
    Bob Burns, Sep 5, 2004
  7. Oradba Linux

    Jason Guest

    They are both excellent vehicles. I advise you to test drive both of them
    and buy the one you like the best. If you are really tall, buy the one
    that has the most head room.

    You could also visit the local library and look at past issues of various
    car magazines such as "Car and Driver" and "Motor Trend". Check the table
    of contents in the front and look for the names of both vehicles. If they
    compared the two vehicles in a special test--buy the one that was rated
    the highest.
    Jason, Sep 6, 2004
  8. Oradba Linux

    Steve Lee Guest

    Others've given excellent advice. Test drive both vehicles and you
    should see for yourself which you feel better in.

    Also, go check out www.hondapilot.org. There, you can search for real
    life comparisons of both vehicles written by people who've owned both
    vehicles. Good luck!
    Steve Lee, Sep 6, 2004
  9. Oradba Linux

    Oradba Linux Guest

    If you dont mind , which city and state ?

    Oradba Linux, Sep 18, 2004
  10. Oradba Linux

    mk Guest

    Dallas, Texas

    mk, Sep 20, 2004
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