2001 CRV Power window/door lock problem

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by nybaseball22, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. nybaseball22

    nybaseball22 Guest

    I have been having some gradually growing problems with my 2001 CRV
    recently. Both my front power door locks quit working about 3 months
    ago. Recently, the driver side window has been making a soft popping
    noise when rolled ALL THE WAY down, and a loud popping noise when
    rolled all the way up. If I do not roll the window ALL THE WAY down,
    it does not make the noise. Today, I rolled the window all the way
    down, then all the way up and heard the loud pop. Then it stopped
    working completely. I can still hear the window motor humming when I
    push the button, but it does not move. I do not hear any sound when I
    push the button for the door locks.

    Is this something I can likely fix myself. I really cant afford to
    pay a bunch to get this fixed as I have to replace the timing belts
    very soon. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
    nybaseball22, Aug 16, 2008
  2. nybaseball22

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Are you good at removing door panel? At least you can take a look then.
    Sounds like ssomething is loose.
    Tony Hwang, Aug 17, 2008
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