2000 Honda accord will not shift out of park

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Damigotit, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Damigotit

    Damigotit Guest

    2000 Honda accord will not shift out of park. I have to depress make
    brake pedal until I feel the click then I am able to shift into gear>
    Damigotit, Jan 26, 2009
  2. Damigotit

    Seth Guest

    Your vehicle won't come out of park unless you press the brake pedal?
    That's the way it is supposed to work.

    Or are you saying it won't disengage until you press really hard? Then it's
    probably the interlock switch needs to be adjusted.
    Seth, Jan 26, 2009
  3. Damigotit

    Damigotit Guest

    It won't disengage even when I depress my brake pedal. I have to keep
    pressing my brake pedal until I feel a click and then I am able to
    shift .
    Damigotit, Jan 26, 2009
  4. Damigotit

    DB Guest

    I think I had an old car that had a problem similar to this. I'm a
    little fuzzy right now on the exact symptons but the answer then was
    the neutral safety switch. Don't know if this car has the same thing
    but just an old memory that might help or not help.
    DB, Jan 26, 2009
  5. Damigotit

    e.meyer Guest

    If you have to press the brake pedal really hard to get the click,
    then it works, its likely the button on the shaft of the brake pedal
    has become partly dislodged. Should be easy to find and fix.
    e.meyer, Jan 27, 2009
  6. Damigotit

    rjdriver Guest

    . The break light and transmission interlock are usually combined into
    one unit behind the brake pedal. Not sure if it was that way in the 2000,
    but it's a relatively easy DIY repair if it is. The part should be less
    than $20.00, even at a dealer. There's a chance your brake lights are not
    functioning properly also if the unit is failing. I wouldn't wait too long
    to fix it. It's only likely to get worse, and then you won't be able to
    shift at all. There should be a manual override in the console somewhere,
    if it absolutely wont come out of park.

    rjdriver, Jan 29, 2009
  7. Damigotit

    observer Guest

    That sounds like the part that failed when I had a new 2003 Accord. I
    remember I brought it into the dealer for something else when it
    happened so I lucked out and had it fixed at the same time but had to
    wait an extra 2 hours (to get the part and installed under the
    observer, Feb 6, 2009
  8. Damigotit

    rjdriver Guest

    That's how I learned about it as well. The one on my 2003 Accord failed.
    And it failed very gradually, randomly, and annoyingly, having to jiggle the
    shift several times to get it our of park, The graduating to jiggling it
    for 5 minutes to get it out. Then having my neighbor call me at 10 pm to
    say I had left my lights on, only to discover that it was just the brake
    lights that were on.

    A little research on the internet and a question at this NG lead my to buy a
    new brake light switch for $12.00 at the dealer, and it solved the problem.

    rjdriver, Feb 7, 2009
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