1988 honda accord lxi headlight

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Michael O'Brien, Dec 13, 2003.

  1. Hey,
    I have an 88 Honda Accord LXi. I bought it used and, according to the
    previous owner, it had sat unused for quite some time.

    My problem is, the lowbeam headlights are so dim, I have better
    visibility when I use my turn signal. Only one light has a working
    highbeam, which appears to be at full power.

    I checked all the fuses-- they are good.
    I repleaced both sealed-beam lamps--

    When replacing the lamps, I noticed a lot of flaking and corrosion on
    the "plugs." This is the only thing I can think of that would be
    causing the problem with the lights.

    Is there anyone that can sell me new "plugs" or does anyone have any
    tips on how to clean or repair these? (Or, if someone has an
    alternate diagnosis, I'd love to hear it)

    thanks in advance.

    Michael O'Brien, Dec 13, 2003
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