07 Ridgeline Curious thump near the gas pedal when first starting out???

Discussion in 'Ridgeline' started by Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Tall Oak

    Tall Oak Guest

    There isn't a problem, just a curiosity. Something engages (possibly 4WD)
    any ideas? Great car 19MPH Ah! A good sturdy ride!

    Thanks, Jim
    Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007
  2. Tall Oak

    motsco_ Guest


    Doesn't the new version of the owner's manual mention that the _A_B_S_
    charges up when you first start to drive?

    Every other Honda manual mentions it.

    motsco_, Jan 25, 2007
  3. Tall Oak

    motsco_ Guest


    Doesn't the new version of the owner's manual mention that the _A_B_S_
    charges up when you first start to drive?

    Every other Honda manual mentions it.

    motsco_, Jan 25, 2007
  4. Tall Oak

    jrk Guest

    19MPH !! Whoa... slow down a little... it saves lives!
    jrk, Jan 25, 2007
  5. Tall Oak

    jrk Guest

    19MPH !! Whoa... slow down a little... it saves lives!
    jrk, Jan 25, 2007
  6. Tall Oak

    Tall Oak Guest


    Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007
  7. Tall Oak

    Tall Oak Guest


    Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007
  8. Tall Oak

    Tall Oak Guest

    READ THE MANUAL????? (with great embarassment I'll admit I did)

    To me it felt like a magnetic clutch/solenoid engaging and it's in
    perspective when the auto door locks click in. but that all could be related
    to the ABS. The other ABS cars never did that from the Element/Civic and
    Accord That's why I attributed it more to the 4wd. I'll wait until the next
    service, I think your right though!

    Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007
  9. Tall Oak

    Tall Oak Guest

    READ THE MANUAL????? (with great embarassment I'll admit I did)

    To me it felt like a magnetic clutch/solenoid engaging and it's in
    perspective when the auto door locks click in. but that all could be related
    to the ABS. The other ABS cars never did that from the Element/Civic and
    Accord That's why I attributed it more to the 4wd. I'll wait until the next
    service, I think your right though!

    Tall Oak, Jan 25, 2007
  10. Tall Oak

    ed Guest

    I have noticed the same thump in my 06 Ridge. 17-18 MPG with mine.
    ed, Jan 25, 2007
  11. Tall Oak

    ed Guest

    I have noticed the same thump in my 06 Ridge. 17-18 MPG with mine.
    ed, Jan 25, 2007
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